Can't make it on Saturday morning? Looking for other opportunities to connect with fellow believers? Join us at any of these upcoming events!
Sat Jan 25 at 10:00am
Bible Study
We call our Bible study classes Sabbath School. They begin at 10:00 AM. Our classes are for all ag
es, so kids have a place to join, as well. Our greeters will assist you in selecting a class and showing you where it meets.
Sat Jan 25 at 11:00am
Worship Service
At 11:00 AM we move to the sanctuary for our worship service, which lasts around 1 hour. Our song s
ervice can vary between contemporary and hymns, which we follow with a message from our pastor. Once we close, we enjoy taking time to visit and getting to know our guests. If you stay seated as everyone leaves, one of our leaders will come meet you. We would love to get to know you more.